tiistai 31. maaliskuuta 2009

News News


Yet again I have been really busy. Anyway: Look like "my" thoughts on Nokia and general mobile banking were correct?

At least finally we are hearing some news around mobile payments/banking. Nokia is investing 52 million Euros to California-based mobile banking/payments startup banking firm: Obopay. Obobay ensures mobile payment/money transfers via mobile devices. The idea is similar that PayPal uses i.e. you need an account etc. Nokia vision is to make the mobile phone the credit card of the developing world. By the way: Gartner has predicted that mobile payments user base is to got from 33m to over 100m by 2011.

Other news: Operator Orange UK has conducted a survey to find the role of Mobile within the media marketing landscape. Here are some key findings:

* The average age for mobile media users is 36, and 81% use mobile media more than once a week with 46% using it daily

* The Mobile Internet pages viewed most often are search engines, email, news, music and film although, interestingly, a high proportion (55%) of people browse the mobile internet with no specific agenda, providing an opportunity for marketers to attract their attention

Al in all the stuff is rather basic. Please visit the Orange Press office site for more info. By basic I mean information such as:

* 82% of respondents have the operator’s portal as their mobile internet home page, making this page an extremely valuable piece of marketing estate. --> Yes --> Most consumers have bought the phone via an operator deal and thereby the phone is "customized" and has the operator sites pre installed. Naturally these can be used for marketing. However more interesting would have been to know how many change the configurations and do not want to visit the operator "sites" i.e. walled gardens :)

* 70% of participants are attracted more by interactive marketing formats, such as sponsorship, coupons or picture messaging mechanics --> Yes Really? --> Sure they are when you take into account how static and boring the sites look and feel :)

FROM this particular point we come to the next news section:

EngadgetMobile tells us, that in downtown Oslo a Norwegian ski billboard gets snowy when texted.

See pic:

Similar interactive stuff: intomobile tells that Dockers brings motion-sensing ads to iPhone games. The new Dockers ads take advantage of the iPhone’s accelerometers and microphone to turn a mobile banner advertisement into a fully interactive ad. The first ad, “Shakedown 2 Get Down” features a dancer clothed in Dockers threads. The ad responds to shaking movements with a little dance-show from the on-screen dancer, asking the user to “Shake 2 Activ8.”

See pic:

That’s all for now. Br. Vesa

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